Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fast Forward Fund Investor Pitch

This past Thursday marked the first investor pitch session for the Fast Forward Fund. It was particularly interesting being a youth director and getting the opportunity to hear these ideas come straight from the mouth of the person who had them. In almost every case I felt differently about the idea after I had heard and seen the passion in each presenter. Hearing their views on their ideas really helped me to filter out my biases about it, and allowed me to get a much clearer view of what each project might look like, why it was important, and who it would help.
I believe this is an issue of utmost importance for anybody considering an investment in anything. In order to ensure that the absolute best decision it taken, an investor, or more specifically a social investor, must attempt to see the idea from as many different viewpoints as possible. Having this opportunity allows them to see what is present in every opinion, and what is ultimately just opinion. This will allow anybody to get to the heart of the idea which they are investing in, something which is clearly of utmost importance.
This is just another example of how being open to as many new and different ideas is very important regardless of what you are doing in life. It will allow you to work infinitely better with different people and cultures and will ultimately allow you to have a much thorough understanding of the world that we live in.

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