Monday, June 1, 2009

Ultimate Mentors for FFF

Check out Nathaniel Whittemore's Social Entrepreneurship blog today at showcasing Stanford's E-Challenge & Fast Forward Fund. His Daily Entrepreneur Post also features snazzy photo of Yoda as "Ultimate Mentor"!

So who's your ultimate mentor? what makes for great mentorship? The mentors who've most impacted me range from lifelong angels with whom it feels like I've been engaged in an always timely, yet timeless, conversation with no beginning and no end, to visionary visitors who mysteriously pass through my life at just the right moment in just the right way to guide me along...

Here's a top-ten, dream-team, wish list of mentors I'd love to call on to help shape FFF:
  1. Oprah Winfrey
  2. Melinda Gates
  3. The Dalai Lama
  4. Jon Stewart
  5. Michelle Obama
  6. former President Bill Clinton
  7. George Soros
  8. J.K. Rowling
  9. my three children
  10. You
OK, uber-mentors. You know who you are. Fast Forward Fund needs you!